How do the CLE credits I earn get added to my transcript?
Your online transcript with the MCLE Board must reflect all credits you earn during your reporting period for them to count towards meeting your MCLE requirements. How those credits get added to your transcript depends on the type of credit.
Here's how each type of credit gets added:
Credit from Illinois-accredited CLE Courses and Bar Association Meetings
Type of Credit
Who Reports It
More Information
Participate in (attend or teach) an Illinois-accredited CLE course
Course provider
The course provider has until the 5th of the month following the month you attended or taught the course to report your attendance to the MCLE Board. Course providers who report credits after the 15th of the month following the month you completed a course will be required to pay a late fee when reporting your attendance to the Board.
To determine whether the course you attended or taught was accredited in Illinois, please search for the course here.
If you taught an Illinois-accredited MCLE course, you must verify the number of times you taught the same material before that credit will appear on your transcript. For information on verifying your teaching credit, click here.
If you are missing credits on your transcript, click here for further instructions.
Participate in (attend or teach) a qualifying meeting of a bar association or professional organization
Bar association/ professional organization
The bar association or professional organization must enter attendance and teaching records for meetings by the 15th of the month following the month you attended or taught the meeting.
If you taught a qualifying meeting of a bar association or professional organization, you must verify the number of times you taught the same material before that credit will appear on your transcript. For information on verifying your teaching credit, click here.
If you are missing credits on your transcript, click here for further instructions.
Credit from Nontraditional Activities
To watch a video on adding credit to your transcript from nontraditional activities, please click here.
Type of Credit
Who Reports It
More Information
Attend a J.D. or graduate level law course at an ABA-accredited law school
The law school must issue you a certificate for attending the law course and you must add this credit to your transcript. For instructions on adding this credit, click here.
Part-time teaching of an ABA-accredited law school course
The law school must issue you a certificate for teaching a law course and you must add this credit to your transcript. For instructions on adding this credit, click here.
Part-time teaching of a law course at a college, university, or community college
The college, university, or community college must issue you a teaching certificate and you must add this credit to your transcript. For instructions on adding this credit, click here.
Judge a law school training simulation or competition
The law school or other host entity must issue you a teaching certificate for mock judging and you must add this credit to your transcript. For instructions on adding this credit, click here.
Research and write legal scholarly work
For instructions on adding this credit, click here.
The Commission on Professionalism's lawyer-to-lawyer mentoring program
Commission on Professionalism
The Commission on Professionalism reports your participation in a mentorship program. You do not report this credit yourself.
Attending an Illinois Supreme Court board, commission, committee, or task force meeting
An attorney appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court to a qualifying Court entity will be issued a copy of the attendance roster from a qualifying meeting that the attorney attended. You must add this credit to your transcript. For instructions on adding this credit, click here.
Credit from Live Out-of-State CLE Courses (Not Accredited for Illinois CLE Credit by the Course Provider)
Type of Credit
Who Reports It
More Information
Attend or teach an out-of-state CLE course
If you qualify for an out-of-state exemption, you do not need to add any out-of-state credits to your transcript. Click here for more information about whether you qualify for the out-of-state exemption and here for more information about reporting that exemption.
Attorneys may claim out-of-state credit for certain courses. Click here to determine whether the course you attended or taught qualifies for out-of-state credit in Illinois. Illinois does not offer out-of-state credit for recorded courses.
The course provider must issue you an attendance or teaching certificate for the out-of-state course and you must add this credit to your transcript. For instructions on adding this credit, click here or watch a video here. There is a $15 non-refundable fee per course to claim out-of-state credit.
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