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What if I am missing credits on my transcript?

These are possible reasons that credits may not appear in your online transcript:

  1. The course provider, bar association or professional organization has not reported your attendance or teaching credit.

    • If you completed the credit last month or in the current month and you don't see those credits, check your transcript on the 6th of the month following the month that you completed the course. For example, if you took a course in April 2024, the deadline for the provider to enter your attendance is May 5, 2024. Attendance data for courses completed in June 2024 must be entered by the course provider no later than July 5, 2024. Course providers who report credits after the 15th of the month following the month you completed a course will be required to pay a late fee when reporting your attendance to the Board.

    • If you participated in the course or meeting more than a month ago, click here to search for the provider, association or organization and contact them to request they report your credit.

  2. The course provider, bar association or professional organization has reported your teaching credit, but you have not verified the number of times you taught the course. To verify the number of times you taught a course, click "Verify Teaching Credit" in the Your Action Required box at the top of your My MCLE page. Enter whether it was the first, second, or third or more time you taught the course.

  3. If you wish to view credits you earned before your current reporting period, click "I Want To..." then select "View All Reported Credits". If you participated in the course in mid-2019 or earlier, those credits will not appear in your All Reported Credits list.

    • CLE course providers did not report attendance or teaching credit earned before July 1, 2019.

    • Bar association and professional organizations did not report attendance or teaching credit earned for meetings before October 1, 2019.

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