How do I verify teaching CLE credit reported to the MCLE Board by a course provider, bar association, or professional organization?
When you teach an Illinois accredited CLE course, the course provider reports the credit you earn from that activity to the MCLE Board. When bar associations and professional organizations enter their qualifying meetings in the MCLE Board’s online reporting system, they also report the credit that you earn from teaching qualifying meetings.
The reported credits include preparation time (six times actual presentation time). They also reflect whether more than one person taught the course or meeting. The provider must report the credit by the end of the next month after the credit is earned.
Once the credit is reported, you will be prompted to confirm entry of that credit when logged into your My MCLE home page on the Board’s website. When confirming the credit, you will need to report if it’s the first, second or third-plus time you are claiming credit for teaching that same material.
You will earn full credit the first time you claim teaching credit for the material and one-half credit for claiming teaching the same material a second time. The third or more time, no credit is earned for teaching that same material. After confirming the teaching credit, the credit you earned from that teaching will be added to list your list of reported CLE credits on the Board's website.
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