How do I report compliance with, or exemption from, the NAA Requirement?
Supreme Court Rule(s) cited in this FAQ:
Rule 793 and
Rule 796.
Your online transcript is your compliance report
Your online "My MCLE" transcript is your report for your newly-admitting attorney reporting period. Your compliance is determined by your transcript. To view your transcript, click here to go to the website’s attorney page. Login, then click "My MCLE."
After your online transcript on the Board's website reflects your compliance, file your certificates and other CLE documents in a safe place and retain them for three years after the end of that reporting period.
To meet NAA requirements, attorneys who participate in a mentoring program approved by the Commission on Professionalism must be enrolled in it by their initial credit completion deadline and ultimately complete the program. Rule 793. If, for whatever reason, you do not finish the program after you relied on it for your NAA compliance report, please contact the Commission at 312-363-6210 for guidance on how to proceed.
Reporting an out-of-state exemption
Once you have determined you qualify for the out-of-state attorney exemption, here’s how to report that exemption to the MCLE Board no later than your initial credit reporting deadline in order to avoid a late fee.
- Click here to go to our website’s attorney page. On the right side of that page, log in with your ARDC number and password.
- Click here to retrieve your ARDC number from the ARDC website
- Reset password: click Forgot/Create Password link directly below the password box
- Click the “My MCLE” button that will appear on that page after logging in.
- On the "My MCLE" page, look at the middle column. Near the bottom of that column click the "Report Exemption" button.
- On the "Report Exemption" page:
- Under the question "What is your basis for an exemption from the Newly-Admitted Attorney Reporting Period requirements?," click the caret in the box then select "Complied in Other State" from the dropdown menu.
- Select the state in which you have or had your primary office or only office for at least 365 days of your NAA reporting period or on the last day of your NAA reporting period.
- Answer the question asking were you licensed to practice law in that state for at least 365 days of your NAA reporting period or on the last day of your NAA reporting period?
- Answer the next question about whether you were required to complete that state's MCLE requirements for the same period of time by clicking "Yes" or "No".
- Check the accuracy of the information you chose on this page. When the information is correct, click "Submit".
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