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How do I pay fees in PCAM?

If you want to pay one or more fees of any type, here are simple step-by-step instructions:

  1. Go to “Payments” in the top navigation bar, and from the dropdown menu, select “Pay for Unpaid Items.”
  2. In the “Select Charges” tab, check the item(s) to be paid, then click “Next” at the bottom of the screen.
  3. On the “View Cart” page, click “Checkout.”
  4. On the “Select Payment Method” page, select Pay by Check or Pay by Credit Card.
Pay by Credit Card: 
Select the “Pay” button and advance through the credit card payment process. When you finish the process, payment is immediate, and PCAM sends a receipt to your PCAM email.

Pay by eCheck (ACH Transfer)
Select the “Pay” button and proceed through the eCheck process. Upon processing, payment is immediate, and PCAM sends a receipt to your PCAM email.

Pay by Check:
Select the “Confirm” button. Within a few minutes, PCAM sends an email with a Remittance Form to your PCAM email. Print the Remittance Form and mail/deliver it with the check. The Remittance Form is barcoded to match your PCAM profile and the items you carted. Please do not send a check without its corresponding Remittance Form because it will delay payment processing.

Submitting payment using Pay by Credit Card or Pay by ACH Transfer is immediate, so we encourage you to use these options. Your course application payment or an attendance fee payment is submitted when the MCLE Board receives that payment. Payments in transit do not waive deadlines or late fees.

For a list of provider fees, see our Fee Schedule  page. If you select the Pay by Check option but want to Pay by Credit Card instead, simply repeat Steps 1-4 above and select Pay by Credit Card.

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