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How do I troubleshoot Attendance Import Errors?

Here are some troubleshooting tips for attendance import files.

There are two types of errors you can receive when importing an attendance file:

  1. Format Errors: These errors prevent PCAM from reading the file, so the file will not import. The file fails to load, resulting in a red error message that looks something like this:  

    FORMAT ERRORS FOR FILE: myfilename.csv 

    -Incorrect total rows in the file (number in cell G2 must equal the total number of rows in the file)
    -Incorrect date format (must be YYYYMMDD)
    -Incorrect record type (the file may transpose 100 or 500)
    -Blanks in the ARDC# field (ARDC # is a required field)
    -File not saved as a .csv (also Note: the file name cannot contain any special characters, i.e., [., /, -, &, etc.]

  2. File Exceptions:  The file loads, but the data has exceptions (errors), so you need to take action to fix the data. Hover on the status “Imported with Exceptions,” then from the dropdown, select “View Import Detail.”  Some common exception types are:
  • Invalid PCAM Course ID
  • Invalid ARDC Number
  • ARDC Number not found
  • Incorrect Completion Date or Date Format
  • Delivery method not approved for this course                                                     

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