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What must a provider include in its financial hardship policy?

Course providers must have a financial hardship policy for any course where participants must pay to attend, or the employers or other third parties pay for participants to attend. It’s one of the required documents in an individual course application. Accredited Providers include that policy in their Annual Reports.

The financial hardship policy must contain language that:

  1. Offers aid to all Illinois attorneys
  2. Establishes the provider’s criteria for receiving aid
  3. Outlines the process to apply
  4. Specifies how to contact the provider to begin that process 
The provider may have a policy offering a full or partial fee waiver based on financial hardship. For courses costing over $500, the policy must explicitly state that attorneys who qualify will receive at least a 50% reduction in the course fee(s). The policy does not need to reduce costs for meals, lodging, or travel associated with the course.

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