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What if the provider forgot to request professional responsibility credit for an accredited course (other than a Basic Skills Course)?

The MCLE Board reviews courses for general CLE credit. Once approved for general credit, the PCAM course status is Approved. If you did not request professional responsibility (PR) for a course in Approved status, you can request PR credit by taking these steps with no additional fee:

  1. Access PCAM.
  2. Select Courses; then Manage Courses to see your complete course list.
  3. Select the Edit icon to the left of the Approved course.
  4. Midway down the General Information page, select Professional Responsibility for the full course or individual segments. PCAM automatically inserts a Professional Responsibility page.
  5. Select the NEXT button at the bottom of every screen.
  6. Complete the information on the Professional Responsibility page, then click Submit.
The course automatically updates to Ready For ILSCCP Review, reflecting that it is on the Commission for Professionalism’s PCAM Dashboard to review PR content. They will contact you by email with their decision. For questions about PR credits, including the review process, please contact the Commission at 2civility.org or (312) 363-6210.

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