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As an Accredited Provider, how do I complete the required Annual Report?
Before completing an annual report, each Accredited Provider must enter all of its courses offered for Illinois MCLE credit in the reporting period, report those courses’ attendance data, and pay all attendance fees. If you have entered all courses, attendance data and paid attendance fees in a timely manner, you are well on your way to completing your annual report.
The day after your accreditation period ends, you will see a link on your PCAM Dashboard to complete your Annual Report. The submission deadline is due 45 days after that year ends:
January 1 to December 31 accreditation period: no later than February 15.
July 1 to June 30 accreditation period: no later than August 15.
In general, completing this report entails completing four or five screens of information (depending on your provider type). One screen is a list of all CLE courses you offered that year.
Next, you need to pay the following year’s accreditation fee by credit card, ACH, or check. PCAM allows you to save the report as a draft while you work on it.
You must request all delivery methods you plan to use in the next year. You can choose live in person, live technology, or recorded. PCAM will flag any course with a non-approved delivery method, so please double-check your selection.
After you click on the Annual Report link, here are the detailed steps to follow in PCAM to complete your Annual Report:
: Check that you have entered all courses offered for Illinois MCLE credit during the year. Accredited Providers have presumptive approval for their courses. But you must enter into PCAM each course for which the provider issued Illinois MCLE credit so that you can enter attendance data for each attorney who earned credit for that course.
To enter a course:
Hover on “Courses” on your Dashboard and select “Add a Course.”
Then input the requested information on each screen. Be sure to click “Next” in the lower right corner to save each screen.
On the last screen, click “Finish.” You’ll know you completed the course entry if the status “Approved” appears to the left of the course name in your course list.
Sample Courses
: Designate three courses from your list as sample courses. For each sample course, you’ll upload the course agenda, faculty credentials, written materials, and a financial hardship policy if charging to attend the course.
To designate a course as a Sample Course:
Go to your course list and choose a course with the status “Approved,” then select the pencil icon to “Edit after Approval.”
On the next screen, check the box “I wish to designate this course as a Sample Course…” and wait for the screen to reset.
Scroll down to the “Required Documents” section. Select “Add New Attachment,” then browse your computer files and upload the required documents. Then use the dropdown to specify which document goes in which section.
Click “Next” at the bottom to continue until you reach the last screen, where you must click on “Finish.” Repeat these steps to designate two more sample courses.
Attendance Reporting:
Ensure you have reported attendance for all courses where Illinois attorneys participated. Then pay any resulting attendance fees.
Annual Fee:
Once completed, your annual report displays on your Dashboard as “Ready for Payment.” Here’s how you pay the Annual Fee:
On your Dashboard, go to the Annual Report and click the dollar sign icon.
Follow the prompts to cart and pay by credit card, eCheck (ACH Transfer), or check.
If you mail a check, you must enclose a copy of the Remittance Form with it, or the Board will return the check to you.
You have completed your Annual Report when its status is “Completed for Review.”
If the Board staff needs additional information, its status will change to “Provider Action Required,” and the provider’s active contacts will receive an email to which you must respond promptly. This email may go to a spam folder, so please monitor that and your Dashboard. If you have any problems that keep you from completing your report, please contact us via the “Send us a Message” link on this website.
To locate this FAQ again, enter this FAQ number in the search FAQ box: P225.
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