What if my online transcript does not reflect that I completed my NAA requirements by my initial credit completion deadline?
Supreme Court Rule(s) cited in this FAQ:
Rule 796.
If your online transcript fails to reflect that you completed your NAA requirements by the initial credit completion deadline and you have not reported an out-of-state exemption or requested and paid for a grace period extension for your NAA reporting period by the initial credit reporting deadline, you will automatically be granted a 92-day grace period extension beyond the initial credit reporting deadline, but you will owe a $250.00 late fee.
Under the Court’s Rules, failure to receive the Initial Notice sent to you by the Board about your NAA requirement deadlines is not an excuse for failure to have a report on file by the initial credit reporting deadline. It is also not a basis to request that the MCLE Board waive the $250.00 late fee for not having a report on file by the initial credit reporting deadline. The Court set the $250 late fee, and it cannot be waived.
With a grace period extension, you have 92 days beyond the initial credit reporting deadline to earn your remaining credits (your "grace period credit completion deadline"), and a report of compliance must be entered for you based on your transcript - or a report of a valid out-of-state exemption - and you must pay the $250.00 late fee no later than 60 days after the grace period credit completion deadline ("the grace period credit reporting deadline"). A valid out-of-state exemption means that the attorney was entitled to the exemption on or before the initial credit completion deadline for their NAA reporting period. Rule 796(a)-(d).
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