For attorneys admitted January 1, 2023 and after: As a newly admitted attorney, when can I begin to earn carryover credit for my initial two-year reporting period?
Supreme Court Rule(s) cited in this FAQ:
Rule 793 and
Rule 794.
This FAQ applies to attorneys admitted to the Illinois bar on January 1, 2023 and after.
Newly-admitted attorneys can begin earning Illinois MCLE credit on their Illinois admission date (except for the Basic Skills Course or a mentoring program approved by the Commission on Professionalism that can be taken before Illinois admission if certain criteria are met -- learn more ).
After your Illinois bar admission, you may earn credits that exceed the newly-admitted attorney requirement even before your first two-year reporting period begins. If you do, you can carry over up to 15 hours to your first two-year reporting period. Those 15 hours can include up to six approved for professional responsibility ("PR") credit carried over to your initial two-year reporting period requirement.
As you earn credits eligible to be carried over to your first two-year reporting period and they are added to your online transcript, those credits will be displayed as available carryover credit for your initial two-year reporting period.
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