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What if I can’t finish my NAA Requirement by the completion deadline?

Your completion deadline is the date by which you must complete all NAA requirements and (if you chose this option) the last day to be enrolled in a qualifying mentoring program. Your completion deadline is the last day of the month following the day that marks one year of your admittance to the Illinois bar. Example: attorneys admitted in May 2021 have a completion deadline of May 31, 2022. Your reporting deadline is 31 days after the completion deadline. 

To see your specific NAA completion and reporting deadlines, log in to the Board’s website here. After logging in, your NAA deadlines will appear below your name.

If you do not finish NAA requirements by the completion deadline, you cannot report “complied,” even if you finished your requirements just past midnight on the day after the deadline.

If you do not complete your NAA requirements by the completion deadline, your best option is to report “Not Yet Complied” by the reporting deadline. When you report “Not Yet Complied” by the reporting deadline, you will secure a 61-day extension beyond the reporting deadline to earn your remaining credits, report “Complied” and pay a $100 late fee.  This option means a lower fee than the $250.00 late fee for reporting nothing by the reporting deadline. 

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