What are the MCLE requirements for newly-admitted attorneys who previously practiced law in another state?
Supreme Court Rule(s) cited in this FAQ:
Rule 793 .
Attorneys admitted to the Illinois bar on or after October 1, 2011, who previously practiced law in another state may have a compliance option that differs from other newly-admitted attorneys. You are eligible for this compliance option if you practiced in another state for at least one year in the three years immediately before your Illinois admission.
If you qualify for this option, you must complete 15 hours of approved Illinois CLE (including at least four professional responsibility credits) between your Illinois admission and your completion deadline. The completion deadline is the last day of the month following the day that marks one year of admittance to the Illinois bar. Then you must also report compliance by the reporting deadline, which is 31 days after the completion deadline. Rule 793(f)(2).
To see your specific completion and reporting deadlines, log in to the Board’s website here. After logging in, your deadlines will appear below your name.
Attorneys admitted to the Illinois bar January 1, 2006 through September 30, 2011: these attorneys were subject to a former version of the Basic Skills requirement. For those past years, that exemption provided a full exemption from the requirements if you practiced law in another state for at least one year. You needed to report this exemption to the MCLE Board by the reporting deadline (described above) that has already passed. If you fall into this group but never reported this exemption, please contact the MCLE Board at (312) 924-2420 for instructions on how to report this old exemption and pay the $250.00 reinstatement fee in effect at the time of the removal. Amended Rule 793(c), Rule 793(e), Rule 793(f)(1).
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