How do I report compliance with, or exemption from, the NAA Requirement?
Supreme Court Rule(s) cited in this FAQ:
Rule 793 and
Rule 796.
Attorneys must submit their report using the MCLE Board’s online reporting system. Rule 796(a)(2). To report online, click here to go to the website’s attorney page. Login, then click "Report Now." Follow the prompts to report.
After reporting, file your certificates, compliance report receipt, and other CLE documents in a safe place and retain them for three years after the end of that reporting period.
To meet NAA requirements, attorneys who participate in a mentoring program approved by the Commission on Professionalism must be enrolled in it by the completion deadline and ultimately complete the program. Rule 793. If, for whatever reason, you do not finish the program after you relied on it for your compliance report, please contact the Commission at 312-363-6210 for guidance on how to proceed.
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