Are there consequences for switching my license between inactive or retired and active?
Supreme Court Rule(s) cited in this FAQ:
Rule 791.
Yes. An attorney who returns to active status from inactive or retired status must complete the MCLE credits required for the reporting period in which the attorney returned to active status unless the attorney qualifies for another valid full exemption from those requirements. See Rule 791(a)-(b).
There is also a 60-hour requirement that applies to an attorney who (1) is exempt for two consecutive reporting periods based on changes from active to inactive or retired status then (2) returns to active status again in the third reporting period. That attorney must complete the 60-hour requirement within 365 days of returning to active status in the third reporting period. This requirement is in addition to any MCLE credits required for any two-year reporting period running during those 365 days. (Rule 791(e)).
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