What are nontraditional activities or courses that the attorney enters into My MCLE on the Board’s website?
Supreme Court Rule(s) cited in this FAQ:
Rule 795 .
Important: for these types of credits to count toward your MCLE requirements, you need to add them to your online transcript. See details below.
In addition to traditional CLE courses, you can earn Illinois MCLE credit for qualifying nontraditional activities. Under Rule 795(d), an attorney may earn credit within specified limits from:
- Attending a law school course. Rule 795(d)(2).
- Part-time teaching of a law course at a law school, university, college, or community college. Rule 795(d)(6).
- Judging a training simulation competition for law school students. Rule 795(d)(6).
- Publishing a scholarly legal book or article. Rule 795(d)(7).
The MCLE Rules don't restrict the number of non-traditional CLE hours you may earn, but specific activities have limits. Please see our FAQs on each of these non-traditional activities for these limits.
If you want these nontraditional credits to count toward your MCLE requirements, you must enter information about them in your online transcript on the My MCLE page of the Board’s website.
When adding this credit to your online transcript on the MCLE Board’s website, you will have the option to request that the Commission on Professionalism accredit all or a portion of the activity for professional responsibility (PR) credit. PR topics include professionalism, diversity and inclusion, mental health and substance abuse, civility, and legal ethics.
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